• 标题:Ghita
  • 歌手:Cleopatra Stratan
  • 专辑:La Varsta de 3 ani
  • 卡拉OK评级:1★
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  • 上传者:AutoLyric
  • 文本歌词:


    Cleopatra Stratan-Ghita
    Spanish with English translation

    Hainita sta in cui
    The little coat it's in the hatstand
    Afara soare nu-i
    outside isn't sun
    Nimic nu-i bun de cand
    nothing it's good since
    Ma gandesc la Ghita
    I've been thinking at Ghita
    Dar Ghita nu-i in sat
    But Ghita isn't in the town
    Eu m-am interesat
    I've concerned
    Imi pare ca-i plecat
    I'm sorry he's gone
    Dupa granita...
    he's abroad
    Greu, tare mi-i de greu
    hard, it's very hard
    Vreau, da nu stiu ce vreau
    I want but I don't know what I want
    Stiu ca si tu ma placi
    I know that you like me too
    Spune, Ghita, ce tu taci?
    Tell me Ghita what are you doing
    Ori vina ori ti du
    Come or go
    Ori spune da ori nu
    tell me yes or no
    Eu te rog nu ma-nerva
    but Please, but make me nervous
    Ghita ce-i cu viata ta?
    Ghita, what;s with your life ?
    Ghita, te-astept diseara la portita
    Ghita, I wait you tonight at the door
    Langa portita de la scoala
    near that door at the school
    Vino da numa nu vini cum vii tu
    come, but come in other way like you usually come
    De obicei cu mana goala
    without something
    Cine te mai asteapta ca si mine
    who waits like me
    O seara intreaga numai pe tine.
    one entire night only for you
    Ghita, arata-mi tu o fata care
    Ghita, show me a girl
    Sa te iubeasca asa de tare!
    who might love you as I do
    O seara intreaga numai pe tine.
    one entire night only for you
    --AutoLyric (http://www.autolyric.com)--